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Mobile phone sets of silicone cancer?

  Mobile phone sets of silicone cancer?

  The Internet has been rumors say, perennial with a mobile phone sets of siliconecan cause cancer, this, how should I say, each according to his lights. If you saythe clothes we wear will cause we don't have to say, but at least so far, we have not seen the report, or we see, some people because the perennial touch mobile phone and cancer mortality, or what.

  Not the other, our own experience, we also use a mobile phone sleeve for so long,but so far there has never been a comfortable feeling, do you use mobile phonesets, will appear nausea, dizziness, are not. Silicone material is a relativelymaterials more environmentally friendly, at least than plastic well, but plasticproducts we have been using, barrels, basin, cup, we have used for so many years, but never have what problem, isn't it.

  Manufacturers export things, things, on the market products, will have specialdepartments to audit through the, not to sell what they produce what, just can get the market to sell, or a problem we consumers will first find governmentaccountability, it is their job, they obligations. On the mobile phone sleeve can not be carcinogenic, CCTV also did a program by investigating and visiting experts, arenot defined said, would cause cancer, silica gel to say have effects on the human body is formaldehyde, but only trace, no rumors so scary, so we didn't have the necessary to entertain imaginary or groundless fears.

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